Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is just for testing how blog works (I am an immigrant into the world of blog and into the world of technology as well). However, this looks as exciting to me as the world around looks to a child before its senses are deadened by the social habits.
I am thinking of a theme for my viscom project. Janet seems to have got a really nice beginning, about to come up with a little more specified and narrower topic. I was really attracted by her topic, even if I misread golf for gulf in her post. May be because I was thinking of something like that for my portfolio theme. Let me see how my gulf works even if there are many gulfs to go across.


  1. looks great, hem. you could also set up a wiki (a whole site for free, and much more functionality). the best i know is at

  2. Looks nice!! I knew nothing about "blog" when you talked about it few days ago. It's fascinating; I feel everyone should set up their own blog.
