Like Janet and Beth, I also was puzzled about the meaning of “modality.” But later, when the writers discuss “modality” in relation to the “auxiliary verbs,” (linguistics) I could make sense to some extent. As with other chapters, we find the same kind of use of linguistic jargons which make very simple idea of credibility of visual communication really very complex to understand.
The writers’ discussion of modality markers and their varying meanings or degrees of credibility in different contexts helps us understand their point that “modality” itself or the markers of modality and their relation to reality or truth is socially constructed. I like the way they present their idea of social semiotic in terms of the distinct ways in which different fields like science, naturalism, and abstract arts assign different value to the same markers of modality. I think the writer’s main point in this chapter is that modality is always related to the values and beliefs of a group. The system of coding and decoding is different in different fields.
Chapter 6 is highly informative for me to interpret images. This chapter provides a good language to read and understand the meanings of differnet parts and aspects of images. The chapter became particularly interesting when I found it discussing the composition of images in terms of placement. That something at the top is supposed to be ideal and the ones at the botton real. In planning my website design, I was thinking on the same line. For instance, I was thinking of making a tourist look up to the wonderful, seemingly fantastic and ideal view of the beauty and grandeur of Nepali mountains and artistic buildings. On the other hand, I was thinking of making another man looking down at the other side to the site of poverty and hardships. But now the problem is that of new and old. If the things on the right connote new information and those on the left the old one, my plan won't be compatible with this model. Perhaps, I can utilize the concept of the round pictures where the central palce is taken by the most important. So, now I can present two pictures in bigger circles on the top right and the left bottom sides. However, I still not sure whether that works or not.
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